Home | Regional Anesthesia | NYSORA Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia Boot Camp

NYSORA Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia Boot Camp


NYSORA now features the most intense clinical course in orthopedic anesthesia in a clinical setting in Belgium. Join the NYSORA team in a one of a kind opportunity to see the most efficient use of regional anesthesia and ultrasound guided peripheral nerve blocks in a newly formed NYSORA affiliated center for research education and enhanced recovery after orthopedic surgery at the large tertiary teaching institution in Genk, Belgium. This two-day workshop is the most intense and clinically oriented NYSORA workshop to date. The participants will join the NYSORA team for two full days in our new orthopedic center and take part in scanning and ultrasound anatomy recognition in actual patients as well as models. The course is structured to give participants a back-to-back training on all aspects of orthopedic regional anesthesia including premedication, selection of regional anesthesia procedures, intraoperative management, and postoperative care. The training will fluctuate between interactive didactic lessons in between the cases, to review the pertinent technique details before and after each regional anesthesia procedure. During the two consecutive days, the participants will join the NYSORA team in administering between 15 and 30 nerve block procedures in actual patients. The nerve block procedures are specifically geared toward patients having orthopedic surgery and include: interscalene blocks, supra clavicular blocks, infra clavicular blocks, axiliary blocks, fascia iliaca blocks, femoral nerve blocks, obturator canal blocks, saphenous blocks, sciatic blocks, popliteal blocks, ankle blocks, posterior tibial blocks, deep femoral blocks, and distal saphenous blocks.

While the actual operating room program will dictate the type of blocks performed, the chances are almost certain that the participants will partake in the administration of all mentioned procedures. In addition, ultrasound guided or ultrasound assisted epidural and spinal anesthesia will also be part of the curriculum. Throughout the two days of this intense preceptorship, any available time between procedures will be used for additional supplementing didactic training and questions and answers. The first day of the training will also end with a group dinner with the NYSORA team which will allow further discussion and customization of the training for day two. All participants will receive an international certificate of successfully completed clinical preceptorship by NYSORA. Throughout the day the following additional didactic topics will be covered:

  • bullet-proof medical legal documentation of regional anesthesia procedures

  • hands on technique and clinical demonstration of monitoring of peripheral nerve block procedures

  • demonstration of needle nerve contacts and maneuvers to inject local anesthetic externally

  • clinical examples (in patients) of local anesthetic distribution that leads to safe and successful peripheral nerve block procedures

  • step by step standardized approach to most extremity block procedures

  • selection of specific local anesthetic mixtures and additives for specific patient and surgery scenarios

  • anatomy pattern recognition in patients and models throughout both days of training

  • access to a multitude of patient management protocols

  • understanding of multi-modal analgesia protocols for total knee and total hip anthroplasty

Our newly created orthopedic surgery center performs twenty to forty peripheral nerve blocks daily to facilitate intraoperative anesthesia, postoperative analgesia and rapid recovery for approximately thirty patients having orthopedic surgery. The NYSORA affiliated career center has developed one of the best orthopedic anesthesia programs in Europe that has increased our orthopedic efficiency by decreasing the turn-over time between cases to five minutes or less. The cornerstone of these advances has been implementation of routine use of peripheral nerve blocks for most distal extremity surgery. Resultantly our annual peripheral nerve block volume currently is over 4,000 nerve block procedures per year.

Participants are likely to see the regional anesthesia management of the following common orthopedic surgery procedures:

  • shoulder arthroscopy

  • rotator cuff repair

  • shoulder replacement

  • elbow surgery

  • upper and lower extremity trauma surgery

  • wrist, hand and forearm tendon surgery

  • hip arthroplasty

  • acetabula surgery

  • knee arthroplasty

  • knee replacement surgery

  • patellar tendon surgery

  • ankle arthroplasty

  • wide variety of foot and ankle and hammer-toe reconstructive surgery

Our surgeons are some of the best in the country, published and international leaders and innovators in surgical procedures and regularly teach scores of national and international visitors who you are likely to encounter during your preceptorship. This unique educational opportunity is designed for participants with a basic to advanced experience level who are seeking the most practical, realistic and affirmative method of acquiring skills and confidence in ultrasound guided orthopedic regional anesthesia in the shortest possible time.

Workshops will commence in March, 2016. To inquire more about the program and to register your interest please contact [email protected].

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02/20/2016(+ 2016 Dates)
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