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October 2013 - Newsletter


The October 2013 NYSORA

In this issue:

A Letter from Your Editor

Dear NYSORA Readers:

Dear NYSORA newsletter reader,

Hope that your early Fall is fun and productive. NYSORA's team has taken a short break after the most successful NYSORA's 12th Annual Symposium. In the aftermath of this, to date, the largest NYSORA's symposium, the Danish Team led by Dr. Pia Jagger contributed a short piece for the NYSORA newsletter readership.

In the meantime, NYSORA is currently working on a number of exciting educational projects. For instance, on popular demand, the first of NYSORA's Boutique Ultrasound guided nerve blocks and vascular access workshops is planned for December 7-8, 2013 in New York. Please refer to the program brochure for additional information and future dates. These workshops will be presented by NYSORA's team in New York for consistency of teaching and are planned as most intensive, jump start programs for colleagues who would like to get the most of a weekend -long workshop.

The 2014 will be particularly busy with educational outreach programs in Asia and Latin America. The 8th Annual NYSORA Asia (K2 Mission) in February 2014 will be particularly interesting as it will cater to the needs of Nepalese anesthesiologists who have been inviting NYSORA educational marines for several years now. The NYSORA's international team will deliver educational program and connect with the local colleagues in Nepal, followed by the traditional academic retreat. The K2 mission will end with a program in Kuala Lumpur

Long in planning, NYSORA finally rolls out its first Latin American Symposium in beautiful Florianapolis, Brazil. In cooperation with the RAPM leaders in Latin America, this Symposium has been structured as one of the strongest to date with an aim to connect colleagues throughout Latin America with some of the very top international NYSORA faculty. Dr. Carlos Bolini shares his vision of the NYSORA Latin America Symposium in his interesting interview in this issue of the Newsletter.

Finally, NYSORA features its first "Inspire Seminar", aimed at providing clinicians with an interactive learning environment, continuous professional development (CPD) and the opportunity to network with the opinion leaders in the field of regional anesthesia. The Inspire seminars will be CME-credited academic retreats for small groups of clinicians seeking the most authoritative information on the practice and trends in regional anesthesia. Delegates to these seminars are not expected to be highly specialized in the field - being passionate and having a desire to interact and exchange ideas is all that's needed. The Inspire program is designed with flexibility to accommodate a wide range of goals and knowledge levels such that delegates can navigate to just about any level desired – from the basic to the advanced techniques. They will be able to brainstorm their ideas, develop preliminary research protocols, or simply interact with NYSORA's highly selected faculty. In keeping with the Inspire philosophy, topics off the beaten path may be included, such as a leadership course, financial planning, photography, film history, among others.

A faculty of trend setting authors of peer-reviewed papers and top quality textbooks has been selected. However, in the give-and-take exchanges, the faculty will also be able to brainstorm and use the delegates as a sounding board for their own ideas. The ultimate goal of the Inspire seminars is for the delegates to return to their homes equipped with the most up-to-date knowledge and clinical practice protocols, and with inspiration to make a difference in their clinical practices.

The dates for the NYSORA Inspire Seminar are: July 6-9,2014 at the Landings Hotel in St. Lucia.


We look forward to catching up with you in November.

Sincerely Yours,

Tim Peters 

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NYSORA's Boutique Workshops

The first module of NYSORA's Boutique Ultrasound guided nerve blocks and vascular access workshops starts this year on December 7-8, 2013 in New York City, NY.

Delegates attending NYSORA boutique wokshops will be taught standardized techniques and protocols endorsed by 26 participating NYSORA key opinion leaders worldwide. Faculty selected for teh workshops are some of the best instructors and clinicians, recognized for their expertise in regional anesthesia. They will adhere to a NYSORA format that offers the clearest possible instruction.

The Delegates will receive:

1. NYSORA boutique workshop materials, including a DVD, posters, and a standard NYSORA textbook.

2. New skills are learned in an organized manner. THe didactic courses are immediately followed by hands-on sessions, instructor assisted scanning, nerve block simulations, hand eye coordination sessions, injection monitoring sessions, and a pre and post knowledge assessment test.

All sessions and sequences are taught based on a NYSORA format that has proven to offer the utmost educational value during the 2 day package.

Make sure to reserve your spot if you want to jumpstart the use of ultrasound in your practice as the attendance will be strictly limited!

For more information visit the event website

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From Copenhagen to NYSORA with Love

My colleagues and I attended the NYSORA annual symposium for the first time. We really enjoyed the many great lectures presented by an international renowned faculty, with a good mix between the review articles and the think-tank lectures. There was plenty of time for discussions following each lecture, and we were impressed by the myriad of questions raised by the audience - no sleeping in class at this meeting! The same goes for the workshops, the attendees were very eager and enthusiastic. The breaks and social events offered a great opportunity for networking, discussing presentations with speakers and making new friends. On a personal note, it was my first time in NYC and I was blown away by a stunning city. Watching the NYC skyline from the Hudson River and enjoying good blues music with the Jeff McErlain and Big Apple Blues, are memories I'll treasure for life - along with the walk home in pouring rain! Man, was I wet! Altogether, we all had a great time - and we'll definitely be back!

Pia Jaeger, Joergen Lund, Morten Jenstrup, Ulrik Grevstad and Karen Lisa Hilsted

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Interview with Dr. Carlos Bollini

1. What inspired NYSORA - Latin America?

The New York School of Regional Anesthesia (NYSORA) is a World-renowned anesthesia teaching program focused on advancing and promoting the practice of Regional Anesthesia, Pain Management and Perioperative Medicine. It has been the first of its kind and a role model, covering all the different types of promotion and teaching with an ever changing curriculum that reflects the evolving nature of Regional Anesthesia.

A clear example NYSOR's proactivity the articles published by the members of NYSORA, reference books and successful meetings in NYC, Asia and Europe. It has international recognition and the status of the group was shown in the award given by ASRA to Dr Hadzic.

Two of its most relevant features are that it is inclusive and international. NYSORA hasn't stayed in NYC waiting for the people interested to attend their scientific proposals, but it emerged to the rest of the world, with the concerning effort it represents, to help improve Regional Anesthesia standards and stimulate the participation of its colleagues from other countries.

Knowing the success of the courses in the other continents, Latin American Anesthesiologists related to teaching and promoting Regional Anesthesia always dreamt that NYSORA could bring its own experts to this part of the world, sharing its teaching philosophy. We now have the chance to get this information and to be in contact with the teaching leaders of local Anesthesia as NYSORA is really stimulating and enriching.

2. What are the goals and missions for this 1st NYSORA collaborative Latin American Program?

Firstly, we hope to promote this activity in Latin America to all those who don't know of it yet.

Getting colleagues have the chance to enjoy speakers, presentations and instructors of an excellent level, and to be part of NYSORA philosophy.

Getting colleagues have the chance to see what is being done in the Regional Anesthesia worldwide, explained by its real performers, is an amazing opportunity.

Apart from teaching and spreading its knowledge, its mission is expanding a community of colleagues who are interested in being part of future projects and who find a place in NYSORA where they can keep up to date and constantly develop.

3. "Creating leaders in RAPM in Latin America" - how will the program be structured to accomplish this task?

Opening a space of participation leaded by NYSORA , where the priority is the scientific credit and the individual capacity, will bring closer lots of colleagues that nowadays don't have a place in renowned programs.

4. NYSORA Latin America will also feature its ESOP (Educational Outreach Scholarship Program). Who can apply and how many scholars will be accepted?

Different colleagues interested in participating can offer their working centers to host the teaching Anesthesiologists and make rotations as observers in different categories.

In fact nowadays NEPAR (Brazil) and GEAR (Argentina) are doing, offering the interested Colleagues a consecutive round through Buenos Aires and Florianopolis. This year we received Colleagues, individually and altogether with Peru and the same will happen soon from Costa Rica.

5. What are the current obstacles to wider practice and teaching of RAPM in Latin America?

There are lots of little and different obstacles that impede the teaching practice of regional anesthesia.

I think the most importantly is the lack of technical application in learning centers for residents. The experts are dedicated to their private practices and don't go to public hospitals where residents learn.

Another obstacle would be the lack of equipment such as peripheral nerve stimulators devices, needles or ultrasounds machines.

Regarding education, there are not many obstacles, although it depends on the country. Some require to ask for authorization from the local associations and to make previous agreements with them

6. Will NYSORA Latin America have a wider impact on education and collaboration in Latin America ?

I really hope it can be a valuable tool when promoting the advantages of regional anesthesia, by increasing the educational opportunities. I also hope Latin America can be a place for participation based on the scientific merits beyond politics.

7. Do you foresee NYSORA Latin America becoming an annual program?

Undoubtedly, in case there are no objections in the society politics of each Latin American country. This can be probably achieved very easily in Chile, Peru, Colombia and Brazil. In Argentina within some time we can accomplish making a meeting.

8. Why Florianapolis for this first NYSORA Latin America meeting?

Florianopolis is one of the most beautiful and modern cities of Brazil, with a splendid geography, it is secure and has an easy access and an international airport. It has a very well organized group of regional anesthesiologists, undoubtedly some of the most important ones in the country.

9. Anything else you would like to add?

I think we have to take the first step and evaluate success and future needs. I think it's worth all the effort.

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An Invitation to a Conference in Cozumel, Mexico

Dr. Wojciech Reiss, MD

Dear Colleagues,

We are very excited to announce the second "Anesthesiology Today" conference in Cozumel, Mexico. You are cordially invited to join us at this beautiful location from April 7 - 11, 2014. The conference will feature lectures presented by world experts in topics of regional and obstetric anesthesia, management of the difficult airway, and postoperative pain management.

We will also present two workshops on ultrasound guided regional anesthesia, and pain medicine procedures. You will have a chance to learn basic and advanced techniques directly from New York School of Regional Anesthesia (NYSORA) experts.

Please visit our website: anesthesiology-today.com

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Needle and Injection Monitoring During Nerve Block Placement

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