NYSORA - The New York School of Regional Anesthesia: Statistics in Small Doses: What factors affect sample size? ================================================================================ Max Kuroda on 28/12/2015 16:15:00 This installment of ‘statistics in small doses’ goes hand-in-glove with the previous – Does (sample) size matter? We need not wade through sample size formulae NYSORA Ultrasound Guided Regional Anesthesia Boot Camp ================================================================================ admin on 23/12/2015 19:25:00 NYSORA now features the most intense clinical course in orthopedic anesthesia in a clinical setting in Belgium. Join the NYSORA team in a one of Statistics in small doses: Does (sample) size matter? ================================================================================ Max Kuroda on 23/11/2015 13:24:00 The goal this month is to relate the importance of sample size as told by investigators and statisticians themselves. Sample size can cause considerable difficulty NYSORA Students Educational Videos: Spinal Anesthesia ================================================================================ admin on 02/11/2015 16:23:00 What are the Type I and Type II errors? ================================================================================ Max Kuroda on 28/10/2015 14:05:00 Recall that we test the null hypothesis, H0. If a difference actually does not exist, H0 would be true, and it would be correct to 15th NYSORA Symposium 2016 ================================================================================ admin on 13/10/2011 15:09:00 September 24-24, 2016 What are null and alternative hypotheses? ================================================================================ Max Kuroda on 24/09/2015 12:30:00 For most studies, investigators have particular research questions that they would like to address. For instance, an investigator may wonder whether a new drug can What are Parametric and Nonparametric Statistical Tests? ================================================================================ Max Kuroda on 18/08/2015 16:53:00 Both parametric and nonparametric tests can be used to evaluate hypotheses, and choice of which procedure to use depends on the type of variable analyzed 7th NWAC 2016 ================================================================================ admin on 08/07/2015 16:47:00 Networking World Anesthesia Convention (NWAC) is a global educational organization with world-wide presence, independent of transnational politics, international conflicts, and political disagreements. In its 6 years of existence this anesthesia conference has trained countless doctors and other health care professionals across the globe, and will continue to do the same in the years to come. In line with NWAC’s apolitical stance, the anesthesia conference’s programs are truly nation-bridging, with over 140 countries contributing top-level faculties. For more information visit: http://nwac.org Ultrasound Guided Paravertebral Block - Out of Plane Technique ================================================================================ admin on 07/07/2015 13:06:00