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January Newsletter - 2015



After an official ceremony the recipient of the title Honorary Professor of the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana on February 24 at 16:00 Prof. Dr. Admir Hadžić will hold a lecture entitled:

Anatomy and Pharmacology - Advances in Nerve Blockade

Big Lecture Hall, Faculty of Medicine, Korytkova 2, Ljubljana.

Admir Hadžić, MD, PhD
Professor of Anesthesiology;
Director, NAICE (North American Institute for Continuous Education);
Director, NYSORA (The New York School of Regional Anesthesia),
2753 Broadway STE 183,
New York, NY 10025,
Mobile +1-212-665-1400


The incredible group from the NYSORA Boutique Session on 1/24 & 1/25

The incredible group from the NYSORA Boutique Session on 1/24 & 1/25

A Letter from Your Editor

Dear NYSORA Newsletter Reader,

We hope your new year is going as well as ours! Our first NYSORA boutique session of the year went off with a bang. We are looking forward to our next session on February 28th and March 1st. In this month’s newsletter we are proud to continue with Dr Maxine Kuroda's "Statistics in Small Doses." Also in this month's newsletter we will feature some tips and tricks to improve your power point presentations. To wrap it up, we are proud to release our NEW NYSORA Upper and Lower Extremity Nerve Block posters for download.


Matthew Becker
NYSORA Newsletter Editor

January Newsletter:

NYSORA Middle East

NYSORA's new Standard PNB Techniques Available for Download

We are proud to announce the New NYSORA upper and lower extremity nerve block posters are now available for download here!

Interscalene and Supraclavicular

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Letter from Latin America International team

Dear residents and colleagues,

On behalf of NYSORA's Latin America International team, we would like to express our sincere gratitude for your participation at 2nd NYSORA Latin America symposium. This symposium is inspired by an overwhelming need to connect Latin America anesthesiologists, residents and regional anesthesia and pain medicine enthusiasts on a common platform with some of the foremost thought and practice leaders throughout the world. The 2nd NYSORA Latin America program in Cartagena, Columbia will feature several highly innovative but typical NYSORA signature programs that present unique values to the aspiring residents. The workshops sessions are oversubscribed at this time, however, for those who are left out - we will feature a truly amazing educational endeavor on Friday which will consist of unveiling of the NYSORA's second Edition of the International Standard Techniques of Peripheral Nerve Blocks, combined with a live demonstration. You do not want to miss this program. At this time, we would also like to invite you to submit your abstracts for possible presentation at the best abstract session. The best for abstracts will be selected for oral presentation, the presenters will be interviewed for NYSORA newsletter and have an opportunity to share their work with anesthesiologists worldwide. If you would like us to consider your abstract for oral presentation, please submit your abstracts directly to the program co-chair Javier Cubillos @ [email protected]. We look forward to meeting you in Cartagena and together making this one of the best symposium in Latin America to date.


Program Chairs: Drs. Javier Cubillos, Maria Fernanda Rojas Gomez, Pablo Helayel, Carlos Bolini, Admir Hadzic.

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Tips and tricks for your next Power Point Presentation

Recently at NYSORA we have come across a few helpful tips to help maximize the efficacy of your presentation


 • Rehearse and record yourself

 • Clear your head - get focused and energized


  • Crystalize your three to five key takeaways into succinct, comprehensible bullets

  • Include only what the audience needs to know. A few nice-to-knows are okay

  • Adjust your voiceover messaging to the lowest level of knowledge in the audience/on the webcast

  • Orient the audience to the individual slide content

  • Develop smooth verbal transitions between slides

  • "Flag" or call attention to your key takeaways

      This is a big deal...

      The most important thing to remember is...

      The key takeaway here is...

      The good news is...

  • Use short anecdotes to support your key points

  • Use analogies, metaphors and similes to help everyone in the audience understand

  • Keep it as simple as you possibly can

  • Tell them what you're going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what you've just told them


  • Be mindful of the full agenda, your allotted presentation time and respectful of attendees' time and attention

  • If wearing a clip-on microphone, make sure the cord is properly hidden

  • Rehearse and record yourself

  • Move a podium microphone away from your mouth/face

  • Make eye contact and move your gaze around the room

  • Use inflection and emphasis

  • Gesture

  • Step out from behind the lectern, if possible

  • If presenting while seated at a table sit up and forward and keep your hands free to gesture

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Statistics in Small Doses with Maxine Kuroda, PhD

Maxine Kuroda

Max Kuroda, PhD
Epidemiology division, NAICE (North American Institute for Continuous Education)
New York, NY 10025

Statistics in small doses - What is the central role of statistics in research studies?

While clinicians will recognize the role of statistics in calculating doses of local anesthetics administered for peripheral nerve blocks, the central role of statistics in research studies may not be immediately obvious. In fact, statistical analyses are not required for many scientific studies. Editorials on a study of the effectiveness of activated charcoal in removing inhaled anesthetics from contaminated anesthesia machines clearly attest that statistical analyses did not pertain to that study.1-3

So why do most studies include some statistical analyses? Investigators undertake research studies with the intention of generalizing their findings to a population that they wish to help. Unfortunately, it is seldom feasible, or even possible, to study every individual in that population, so investigators typically limit their studies to small samples taken from the population. But samples vary because we may be examining different areas of the same entity. As depicted in the cartoon, there will be sample variability even among studies that have drawn samples from the same parent population and have followed the same study design and methods. Thus investigators must determine whether it is reasonable to apply the findings from their single sample to the parent population of interest. In short, data are summarized and statistical methods are used to generalize findings from a sample back to the population.

Next month, 'statistics in small doses' will briefly overview the standard study designs, their use in addressing research questions, and their role in the statistical approach planned for the analysis of data.

Statistics: The only science that enables different experts using the same figures to draw different conclusions. - Evan Esar

1 Birgenheier N, Stoker R, Westenskow D, Orr J. Activated charcoal effectively removes inhaled anesthetics from modern anesthesia machines. Anesth Analg 2011;112(6):1363-70.

2 Woehl H. Is a formal statistical analysis always necessary? Anesth Analg 2011;112(6):1268-9.

3 Block FE Jr. Malignant hyperthermia and charcoal absorbent: Too hot to handle. Anesth Analg 2011;112(6):1270-1.

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NYSORA Latin America

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NYSORA Monthly Poll: VOTE NOW!"

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Featured Educational Video - Interscalene Brachial Plexus Block

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NYSORA Symposiums and Workshops


 NYSORA Boutique Workshop

 New York City, NY

 February 28 - March 1, 2024



 NYSORA Middle East

 Abu Dhabi, UAE

 March 26 - 28, 2015



 NYSORA Latin America

 Cartagena, Colombia

 April 9 - 12, 2015



 NYSORA Boutique Workshop

 New York City, NY

 April 18 - 19, 2015



 NYSORA Boutique Workshop

 New York City, NY

 June 27 - 28, 2015



 NYSORA Symposium

 New York City, NY

 September 19 - 20, 2015



 NYSORA Boutique Workshop

 New York City, NY

 December 5 - 6, 2015


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Sponsored Content

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