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December 2013 - Newsletter


The December 2013 NYSORA

In this issue:

A Letter from Your Editor

Dear NYSORA Readers:

Dear NYSORA newsletter reader,

The entire NYSORA team wishes you a very happy holiday season. The holiday season is a season of giving and NYSORA concludes its philanthropic activities for 2013 with its traditional donations and support to the local communities in the greater NYC area. The NYSORA general manager Stacy Atkinson and NYSORA's research assistant Caroline Vloka report on NYSORA's philanthropy.

NYSORA's research team led by Dr. Aysu Emine Salviz just published its findings on analgesia and quality of life after rotator cuff surgery under interscalene block or general anesthesia in the November issue of Anesthesia and Analgesia. Tim Peters took some time to interview Dr. Salviz about her study and any additional wisdom that did not make it to the manuscript.

The December issue of the NYSORA newsletter also lists NYSORA's educational activities, the outreach program in Kathmandu (ESOP-Educational Scholar Outreach Program), boutique workshops and NYSORA inspire programs.

We also wanted to share some information about three unique upcoming educational programs organized by NYSORA. On December 8-9, NYSORA hosted its first comprehensive ultrasound guided peripheral nerve block and vascular access boutique workshop. The NYSORA boutique workshops are limited in attendance to a small groups of delegates. The delegates are submerged in an intense weekend long program with the goal of acquiring ulutrasound imaging, clinical managing and hand-eye coordination skills and be able to implement them in their own clinical practice. Please note that these courses are hugely popular and registration is already closed for workshops in May and July 2014. Make sure to not miss the registration for the next boutique workshop planned for January 25-26, 2014.

Wishing you the very best holiday season and a happy new year on behalf of the entire NYSORA international team,

Tim Peters

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Interview with Dr. Emine Aysu Salviz

Dr. Emine Ayso Salviz, MD

Dr. Emine Aysu Salviz is an Attending Anesthesiologist in Istanbul University, Medical Faculty of Istanbul, Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation. She is primarily interested in ultrasound-guided peripheral nerve blocks. Beginning as a research associate at NYSORA, Aysu has been an instructor at NYSORA and NWAC regional anesthesia workshops, and has published articles on a number of ultrasound-guided peripheral nerve blocks, including the interscalene brachial plexus, femoral, saphenous, paravertebral and intercostal nerve blocks. Tim Peters took some time out to interview Dr. Salviz about her recently published research in Anesthesia and Analgesia.


1. You recently published a paper comparing the analgesia recovery profiles of patients after rotator cuff repair. What were your aims with this reserach?

General anesthesia (GA) and interscalene brachial (ISB) plexus nerve block techniques are both used for outpatient arthroscopic shoulder surgeries. However, the single injection (SISB) and continuous interscalene brachial plexus (CISB) blocks are usually performed in addition to GA for postoperative analgesia. Thus our aim in this research was to perform these modalities as sole anesthesia and analgesia techniques, and to evaluate their effects on the patient's short term recovery profile, especially for pain during the first postoperative week.

2. What were the main findings?

None of the 63 patients who interscalene blocks reported an NRS score ≥1 or required any analgesics while in the PACU., Time to first pain report was longer in the CISB group, and NRS scores were lower for patients in the CISB group than in the SISB and GA groups on postoperative days 1 and 2, and subsequently lower for patients in the CISB group than in the SISB group by the end of the study week. The CISB group also used less narcotics (doses ≥1) until postoperative day 3. By the end of the study week, most patients in the CISB group (74%) reported NRS scores

Nearly all patients in the CISB and SISB groups, but none of the patients in the GA group, were fast-tracked to ambulatory PACU discharge, and in fact, were discharged home far sooner. Length of stay in the PACU and time-to-discharge home were both significantly shorter for the CISB and SISB groups. Patients who received CISB slept significantly longer than patients who received SISB or GA during the first 48 hours postoperatively.

3. How were your findings best extrapolated to clinical care?

According to the results we obtained, CISB is a peripheral nerve block technique for patients undergoing arthroscopic shoulder surgery that appears to offer most value to the patients - best analgesic benefits, shorter length of stay in the PACU and in the hospital, fewer occurrences of PONV, and longer sleep periods.

4. Having done this study, what anesthetic technique would you have done if you yourself needed rotator cuff repair?

Frankly, I would prefer CISB if I needed rotator cuff repair. I saw my patients in much less pain and more comfortable overall. While single injection blocks are also powerful anesthetic and analgesic techniques, their limited duration limits their overall value. Longer acting local anesthetics that have recently became commercially available, but not introduced in clinical practice yet, may provide the solution without the use of catheters.

5. Where do you practice now?

I work as a full-time attending anesthesiologist at Istanbul University, Medical Faculty of Istanbul.

Dr. Emine Aysu Salviz and her colleagues at a departmental function in Istanbul

6. What are your current research projects?

We are currently working on several projects. One study compares electric stimulation thresholds, opening injection pressures, and efficacy of the femoral and popliteal sciatic nerve blocks (tibial and common peroneal nerves, separately) in diabetic and non-diabetic patients. The other compares sciatic nerve block onset times and duration in diabetic and non-diabetic rats using somatosensory evoked potentials (SSEP).

7. What were your experiences during your research fellowship at NYSORA?

NYSORA is a top Education Center where one can improve in all aspects of Regional Anesthesia - theoretically, practically and academically. It also provided me with an opportunity to share practical and theoretical knowledge with other anesthesiologists in NYSORA symposiums and NWAC meetings. Networking, sharing, studying and working together in a friendly environment are the main themes.

Dr. Emine Aysu Salviz collaborating with colligues

In my one-year long research fellowship, I observed many new ultrasound-guided block techniques, such as low interscalene, lateral popliteal, anterior sciatic nerve, superficial peroneal nerve, fascia iliaca compartment and lumbar plexus block techniques, in addition to those that are frequently performed. This experience has substantially strengthened my knowledge of regional anesthesia. Apart from my main research project that I mentioned above, I assisted in other studies on the effects of the adductor canal block versus the femoral nerve block on quadriceps strength and fall risk, and the effective volume of ropivacaine 0.75% through a catheter required for interscalene brachial plexus blockade. I wrote some reviews and a book chapter together with other anesthesiologists. Moreover, the fabled NYSORA Writing Camps held by Dr. Hadzic in NYC are amazing opportunities to collaborate, introduce lateral thinking to one’s writing, and learn how to write scientific papers. These experiences helped me to learn how to design and conduct a study and how to write manuscripts.

By being an instructor in Ultrasound-guided Regional Anesthesia workshops of NYSORA symposiums and NWAC meetings, I had a chance to meet many anesthesiologists from different countries who are interested in regional anesthesia and to share my practice with them. On the other hand, I was also lucky to see and discuss their different approaches.

I was delighted to be involved in different projects and enjoyed the support I received from the whole NYSORA team. I see the benefits of my research experiences at NYSORA constantly in my daily practice and my current studies.

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Upcoming NYSORA Educational Programs:


 NYSORA Education Program





 NYSORA Boutique Workshop

 New York City, NY

 January 25-26, 2014



 NYSORA Asia K2 Mission


 March 2-3, 2014



 NYSORA Asia K2 Mission


 March 8-9, 2014



 NYSORA Latin America Collaborative Symposium

 Florianopolis, Brazil

 March 14-16, 2014



 NYSORA Boutique Workshop

 New York City, NY

 March 29-30, 2014



 NYSORA Boutique Workshop

 New York City, NY

 May 17-18, 2014



 NYSORA Boutique Workshop

 New York City, NY

 June 28-29, 2014



 NYSORA Inspire Seminar

 St. Lucia, Pigeon Island Causeway

 July 6-9, 2014



 NYSORA Boutique Workshop

 New York City, NY

 July 26-27, 2014



 NYSORA Boutique Workshop

 New York City, NY

 October 25-26, 2014



 NYSORA Boutique Workshop

 New York City, NY

 December 6-7, 2014


NYSORA's Boutique Workshops

Delegates attending NYSORA boutique wokshops will be taught standardized techniques and protocols endorsed by 26 participating NYSORA key opinion leaders worldwide. Faculty selected for teh workshops are some of the best instructors and clinicians, recognized for their expertise in regional anesthesia. They will adhere to a NYSORA's didactic format that offers the clearest possible instruction.

1. NYSORA boutique workshop materials, including a DVD, posters, and a standard NYSORA textbook.

2. New skills are learned in an organized manner. The didactic courses are immediately followed by hands-on sessions, instructor assisted scanning, nerve block simulations, hand eye coordination sessions, injection monitoring sessions, and a pre and post knowledge assessment test.

All sessions and sequences are taught based on a NYSORA format that has proven to offer the utmost educational value during the 2 day package.

Make sure to reserve your spot if you are serious about jumpstarting the use of ultrasound in your practice as the attendance is limited!

For more information visit the event website


NYSORA Latin America

Do not miss the largest Regional Anesthesia and Perioperative Medicine Program in South America: NYSORA Latin American Collaborative Symposium.

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NYSORA Philantrophy

Author: Caroline Vloka

In the midst of the holiday season, it is the time for giving. Beyond its international educational outreach, NYSORA is also actively involved in philanthropic activities with various organizations. One such organization is the Jacob Riis Senior Citizen's Center in Queens, NY. On Friday December 6, Stacy Atkinson and Caroline Vloka, two members of the NYSORA philanthropy team, joined by volunteer Lyone Hall, traveled to the Center in Queensbridge to spread some NYSORA holiday cheer.

NYSORA Regional Director Stacy Atkinson with presents for the members of the Jacob Riis Senior Citizen’s Center

The three ladies visited the senior citizens with a jovial energy and gifts. Robert Madison, the director of the center, and two organizers Robbin Davis and Richard Williams, greeted the volunteers and helped set up the visit.

The senior citizens enjoying some snacks and receiving their tickets for the raffle

With the help of the regular staff, the NYSORA team handed out some food and drinks to the senior citizens. To add some suspense to the event, a bingo game and a raffle was also organized. The bingo winners were rewarded with a prize, and the raffle was used to determine the order in which the presents were presented. The members of the center received clothing and puzzle books to keep them warm and busy during the chilly New York City winter. The night was a great success, with both the senior citizens and the volunteers having a fun and friendly time.

The senior citizens pose for a group photo after the holiday party.

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An Invitation to a Conference in Conzumel, Mexico

Dr. Wojciech Reiss, MD

Dear Colleagues,

We are very excited to announce the second "Anesthesiology Today" conference in Cozumel, Mexico. You are cordially invited to join us at this beautiful location from April 7 - 11, 2014. The conference will feature lectures presented by world experts in topics of regional and obstetric anesthesia, management of the difficult airway, and postoperative pain management.

We will also present two workshops on ultrasound guided regional anesthesia, and pain medicine procedures.

Please visit our website: anesthesiology-today.com

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Needle and Injection Monitoring During Nerve Block Placement

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